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You've Left Your Hips Behind.

'Natural' movement. We don't usually think much about the way that we move around in our everyday lives; we just do it. However, when people take up tai chi or qigong, they often start moving very self-consciously, and a movement that they would normally do both smoothly and gracefully becomes clumsy whilst the body posture gets lost completely.For example, moving the body from a rear foot to a front foot (this could be a push) is one of those things that brings out the differences.

Moving from back foot to front foot. If you already have one foot ahead of you, you're sitting on your back foot, and you want to move your weight forwards on to your front foot, all you do is to push your body off the back foot on to the front foot, and... well, that's it ... your body moves forward, still upright, as though you were walking. Without any hands being involved, the majority of people will move correctly, as though walking with an upright body.

The unintentional re-wire. But when you start to involve the arms, something in the brain alters, you no longer just move the body forwards, you also start to lean forward, and the body is no longer upright.  The focus is now entirely on the arms, and everything else is forgotten.

How to strain your back. If you look at someone side-on as they do the movement this way, you'll see their upper body angled forwards and their hips behaving as though they've been left behind.  Instead of pushing from the centre of the body, they have started pushing from the upper body, and their hips will hardly have moved forward at all. I'm not saying that the body cannot lean, it can; but if the bottom starts to either 'lift' or become 'left behind', the posture is not only weakened, but is also potentially damaging to the lumbar area. In the second picture, assuming that the subject of the photo is doing a tai chi posture, you can see that his body is leaning, but more than that, there is also a 'disconnection' (for want of a better word) in the shoulders, which are lifted.  To do his push, he has in effect taken his arms out of the shoulder sockets, so now  the strain will be taken by his upper spine.

Pushing in tai chi. The problem seems to be created by the absence of anything physical to push in a solo tai chi form.  You're pushing empty air, but you still want to feel as though you're really pushing something.  If you were really pushing, say, a piece of heavy furniture across a room, or pushing your car, you just wouldn't do it like that as it would have less power (although picture 1 would possibly disagree with me, where his lumbar spine is under considerable pressure). Done in that way, with the bottom 'lifted', i.e. a sort of reversed pelvic tilt, the push from your back leg into the ground wouldn't transmit up your leg, through the hip, up your spine, and along your arms. Instead, having transmitted up your leg, it would reach your hip, and then, because the 'line' had been broken due to your sticking your bottom out, it would get stuck in the lumbar area of your spine and would quite likely hurt you.

Pushing a bent stick. A slightly simplistic way of looking at why this happens is that, if you were to use a straight stick (e.g. a snooker cue) to push an object, the energy of the push is transmitted from the end that you're holding, straight through to the other end. If you push with a bent stick, the energy of the push arrives at the bend and is then 'split'.  Depending on the angle of the bend, some of it tries to go to the end of the stick, and some of it attempts to bend the stick further. So, when moving the body forward in solo tai chi or in qigong, just do what you would normally do when walking, bring your pelvis toward your front foot, and not only the upper body.  Just let the upper body go along for the ride on top of the hips. James Drewe teaches Taijiquan and qigong in both London and in Kent.  Details of weekly classes can be found on the website, and there are classes for 2-person Taijiquan on one Saturday a month.  CONTACTS: Email: Phone: 07836-710281 or 020-8883 3308

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