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James Drewe
Feb 13 min read
Connecting Your Microcosm
If everything is a microcosm of everything else, then when doing tai chi or qigong we need to pay attention to the inter-connectivity of ...
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James Drewe
Jan 13 min read
Why is Tai Chi Practised So Slowly?
When you first start learning either tai chi or qigong, it's all about learning a set of movements. For some people, it never goes beyond..
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James Drewe
Jul 1, 20244 min read
Doing Nothing About It
I know a lot of people who, when they hurt themselves, just wait for the problem to get better. Sometimes this will work, but often it sets
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James Drewe
May 31, 20243 min read
In Support of Finishing Schools and Deportment
I used to think that the art of learning deportment was a bit of a joke, something to do with being upright in society as well as being upri
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James Drewe
May 1, 20243 min read
Moving Energy in the Body
The action is therefore like a wave passing down through the major joints of the arm, one after the other; a transference of energy from one
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James Drewe
Apr 1, 20244 min read
Opening Joints & Connecting The Body
When pushing or pulling an object, we usually tighten muscles automatically.
If you want to push something heavy, you compress, If you want
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James Drewe
Feb 1, 20243 min read
'Full' and 'Empty'
When we walk, we need to create 'full' and 'empty' in the legs. Most of the time we do it without thinking; it just happens...
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James Drewe
Jan 1, 20243 min read
Using Your Legs.
One of the first things that beginners can feel is aching legs; they discover that their legs are weaker than they thought. ...
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James Drewe
Dec 1, 20232 min read
Moving the Arms in Taiji, Qigong, and Yoga
Use your back.
The arms need to connect to the body; the action is not one where only the shoulder muscles function.
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James Drewe
Oct 1, 20233 min read
Shoulder Alignment: The Practicalities (2)
I know that we can take our arms behind our backs, but, by and large, we use the arms in front of our bodies in nearly everything we do as..
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James Drewe
Sep 1, 20234 min read
How to Lift the Knee Higher in Taiji and Qigong
In both in taiji and in qigong there is often the need to raise the knee, either to kick, or perhaps as an exercise for the pelvis, or ...
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James Drewe
Aug 19, 20233 min read
Suspended by a Silk Thread
You often hear the expression that you should stand in both tai chi and qigong as though you are 'suspended by a silk thread'.
This is ...
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James Drewe
Jul 30, 20232 min read
Planting Your Body
In the same way that the body of the plant does this, we, as humans, need to mimic the same actions with our bodies in order to achieve ...
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James Drewe
Jul 3, 20232 min read
Shoulder Alignment: The Mechanics (1)
Shoulder tension is often a problem for people when learning Tai Chi or Qigong; in fact, it’s probably a problem for everybody, whether they
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James Drewe
Mar 31, 20232 min read
Turning the Head
When your head turns, the 7 Cervical Vertebrae in your neck function in a similar way to the spine at your waist. Both have a natural curve
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James Drewe
Oct 3, 20224 min read
How Do I Relax My Neck?
For many people, tension in the neck must be a major cause of so much daily discomfort, this part of the body being one of the major holding
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James Drewe
Aug 9, 20224 min read
Tensegrity, Tai Chi and Qigong
We are held together by this concept. Every part of us, whether it be a finger, an arm, a leg, a hair, an organ, or the torso, has its own
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James Drewe
Jul 16, 20224 min read
RELAX!! What Does That Even MEAN?
I have a number of ways of trying to explain relaxing, but all of those ways come down to... "Stop holding on to ..." (whichever part it is)
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James Drewe
Feb 1, 20223 min read
'Connecting' the Body.
If you really managed to let go of your muscles, it will be the combination of all the relevant muscles supported by the various fascial ...
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James Drewe
Mar 14, 20204 min read
What is ‘Hollowing the Chest’ in Tai Chi and Qigong?
Sitting back: 1) Sitting back is accomplished by the pelvis. As you sit back, you need a pelvic tilt which is timed a) to initiate the ...
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