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James Drewe
Jan 13 min read
Why is Tai Chi Practised So Slowly?
When you first start learning either tai chi or qigong, it's all about learning a set of movements. For some people, it never goes beyond..
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James Drewe
Nov 1, 20242 min read
Speeding & Tai Chi
I've noticed that, when I have a 'plan' - I'm in one place and I want to drive somewhere else several miles away, I feel as though ...
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James Drewe
Oct 1, 20243 min read
‘Testing’ Postures
Working with a partner, you held a tai chi posture, and your partner would push against you; I seem to remember that it was a bit hit and ..
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James Drewe
Aug 31, 20244 min read
Cold Hands / Cold Feet
I come across a large percentage of people who suffer from cold hands and/or cold feet. This doesn’t seem to be restricted to any age group
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James Drewe
Nov 1, 20232 min read
Look at the Spaces in Between
Nowadays I find it strange that, when I was first learning in the 70s and 80s, no one ever explained this; but maybe I just didn't hear it..
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James Drewe
Jul 16, 20224 min read
RELAX!! What Does That Even MEAN?
I have a number of ways of trying to explain relaxing, but all of those ways come down to... "Stop holding on to ..." (whichever part it is)
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James Drewe
Mar 11, 20224 min read
Our Perspective of Time
Most of us think of ourselves 'travelling through time' - we start the day, the sun has risen; we finish the day, the sun has set. It's as
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James Drewe
Mar 1, 20203 min read
Ting (listening) in Tai Chi and Qigong.
'Listening' is the art of feeling, so you know how to act.
Listening is pulling up a weed in your garden; it is sensing, beyond the point at
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James Drewe
Jan 22, 20203 min read
Buoyancy - Letting Go & Relaxing
Strictly speaking, and depending upon your interpretation of ‘relax’, it’s a bit of a contradiction. If you relax your arm, it will fall...
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James Drewe
May 12, 20193 min read
How on Earth do you 'Relax'?
You might think that relaxation is the same thing as de-stressing, but there’s a difference. De-stressing can use a variety of techniques
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James Drewe
Jul 15, 20184 min read
Putting Backbone Into It (Shadow Boxing)
The Spinal Line.
1. Crown of head (not to be confused with the hair whorl)
2. Perineum
3. Point between the feet...
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James Drewe
May 15, 20183 min read
Song 松 & Peng
Following the previous blog, a question was posted about it: “… How does Song relate to the other thing which is said regularly, that...
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James Drewe
Mar 25, 20186 min read
Balance – Walking the Tightrope.
Some can, some sometimes can, and some find it almost impossible. Why can some people balance and others not?
According to The Harvard ...
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James Drewe
Dec 10, 20172 min read
Sinking Qi (2)
In fact it’s the act of not-doing… definitely a verbal contradiction.
I spent many years thinking that ‘sinking your qi’ was something that
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James Drewe
Jul 23, 20172 min read
Heavy Arms
Each of your arms weighs about 8-10lbs (roughly 3.5-4.5Kg).
That’s heavy… though we don’t really notice it because either the arms are ...
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James Drewe
Dec 11, 20162 min read
Energy. Why do you need to relax?
The efficiency of the body’s movements largely depends upon how relaxed you are.
Our amazing network of muscle & tendon, of artery & vein...
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James Drewe
Jul 17, 20164 min read
Using Qi to Produce Movement.
You breathe (hopefully). Maybe you breathe efficiently, maybe you don’t, but in order to live you obviously need both an ‘in’ and an ‘out’
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James Drewe
Jun 17, 20163 min read
The Use of the Pelvis; Lifting the Knee
In both in taiji and in qigong there is often the need to raise the knee, either to kick, or perhaps as an exercise for the pelvis, or ...
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James Drewe
Jan 31, 20164 min read
Qigong… Why bother?
In the majority of my classes I teach some qigong as a warm-up.
I do this for a number of reasons:-
1. to introduce the various different...
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