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Low-Intensity Exercises on Zoom

Lockdown has been a difficult time for many of us. With not being able to get out and about as much, we are naturally not moving our bodies as much as we ordinarily would.


Before the pandemic, our aim was to provide low-intensity tai chi and qigong classes to offer the multitude of benefits that are associated with the practice.


We may not be able to offer these classes in person at the moment, but that hasn’t stopped us from taking to Zoom to continue to provide tai chi and qigong to our members.

If you’re looking for a way to restart moving your body with some low-intensity exercise, our online classes take place on Tuesdays and Wednesday. Please get in touch to find out more.


What are the Benefits?

There are many benefits of regularly practising tai chi and qigong. From improving your digestions to boosting your immune system, these low-intensity exercises can have a positive impact on so many aspects of your body and wellbeing.

Exercising during lockdown has not only been proven to maintain good physical health, but there are also links to positive mental health too.

A weekly taiji class will not only give you something to look forward to (which is something we could all benefit from during this time), but it’ll provide you with the opportunity to take part in some low-intensity exercise to help get the blood flow moving, muscles working and oxygen flowing.


What Classes Should I Do?


We currently hold two classes per week on Zoom:

  • Tuesdays (6:30-7:30pm) - Tai Chi (24-Step) & Qigong

  • Wednesday (12:00-1:00pm) - Qigong & Meditation

Our courses are 12 weeks long and cover all the basic moves you need to start experiencing the benefits associated with the exercise.

We understand that high-intensity cardio exercises are not for everyone, which is why we aim to provide low-intensity exercise classes for those who still want to be active, but perhaps can’t take part in a multitude of online gym classes out there.

If you’re not sure whether tai chi and qigong is for you, you can try out one of our Zoom classes for £5 before you commit to the course.


Book Your Online Taiji Class Today


If you’re looking for a way to take part in some low-intensity exercise during lockdown, get in touch today to find out more about our Zoom tai chi and qigong classes. We are based in London and Kent, but these online classes can be access from anywhere in the world via the links on our homepage.


For more information, please call 07836710281, or send an email to Alternatively, you can leave us a message using the online contact form.

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