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Ba Duan Jin
Ba Duan Jin (8 Brocades)
Ba Duan Jin (8 Brocades)

Ba Duan Jin (1)

Ba Duan Jin (2)

Ba Duan Jin (3)

Ba Duan Jin (4)
One of the oldest sets of qigong.
The 8 exercises work on the organs of the body; the basics of this are (although there is considerable crossover)...
1. Sanjiao channel
2. Lungs/Large Intestine
3. Stomach/Spleen
4. Heart/Lungs/CNS/Eyes
5. Digestive System
6. Kidneys/Urinary Bladder
7. Liver/Gall Bladder
8. Kidneys/CNS
I have avoided teaching the 'breathing' for the set for the same reason that many tai chi/qigong teachers avoid it - if you become too fixated on the 'correct' breathing, you end up creating more internal stress, as you try to tie the breathing to the movement.
The best way to approach breathing in the set is to breathe in such a way that it feels comfortable and natural. Definitely don't hold the breath at any stage.
Movements should be performed slowly and in a very relaxed state.
Each exercise is usually done to the left side first, and then to the right side - 3 times per side. But this is not a fixed rule, and you can alter the number to suit you.