Subscription Videos
1. Yang 24-Step Tai Chi Form
2. Daoyin Qigong for the Respiratory System (set 2)
3. Daoyin Qigong for the Cardiovascular System (set 1)
4. Daoyin Qigong for the Bones, Tendons, Joints (set 1)
Please note that these videos are each approximately 55 minutes long.
They include warm-ups, some qigong, and a closing exercise.
Yang 24-Step & Qigong (2nd set for the Lungs)
Yang 24-Step & Qigong (2nd set for the Lungs)

Introduction to Subscription Videos

Yang 24-Step & Respiratory 2 - 1

Yang 24-Step & Respiratory 2 - 2

Yang 24-Step & Respiratory 2 - 3
Respiratory 2
As well as promoting Lung function the exercises also work on the Kidney and Spleen.
The Lung channel is paired with the Large Intestine channel, so Large Intestine points are also stimulated in this form.
Lung points are worked by movements that stimulate the wrists, by opening the chest, and by pressing two acupuncture points, one on the thumb, and the other on the index finger.
Kidney points are worked by movements that stimulate the foot and ankle, and by pressing points on the back.
Spleen points are worked by movements that stimulate the foot and by pressing points on the legs.
Large Intestine points are worked by banging the sides of the hands together, and by pressing the acupuncture points on the index finger and the thumb.
Characteristic movements of the form are twisting of the hands and wrists, turning and bending of the body, and coming up on toes.