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Payment information
Trial session
To try any class, you can either pay £5 on the day, or pay online (see bank details below).
If you decide to continue, the £5 is deducted from the course fee.
If your trial session is at any stage after the term has begun, you will not be charged for the classes that you have missed; the course fee will be worked out pro-rata, and the £5 deducted from the number of classes that you attend.

Methods of payment
If you would like to pay for the course, you can either:-
Monzo Business A/C
A/C Name: (or 'James Drewe' or 'James Drew-Edwards' if that is not accepted)
S/C: 04-00-04
A/C: 56615427
(b) you can pay online to the Monzo account...........
(a) you can pay cash on the day, or
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