Dealing with Life's Problems and Tai Chi
or Retraining the Sympathetic Nervous System "Often, when we encounter challenges or tough situations, our initial reaction is to respond...
Dealing with Life's Problems and Tai Chi
Look at the Spaces in Between
Shoulder Alignment: The Practicalities (2)
Tensegrity & Tai Chi & Qigong
RELAX!! What Does That Even MEAN?
Why Tai Chi & Qigong as Exercise?
Our Perspective of Time
'Connecting' the Body.
Change in Taiji & Qigong
How on Earth do you 'Relax'?
Qigong - Why all the Stretching & Twisting?
Sinking your Boat: (4) Results.
Sinking your Boat: (3) Practising Scuttling.
Sinking your Boat: (2) Above the Waterline.
Sinking your Boat: (1) The Hull.
Qigong - is it Yoga?
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